Sunday, February 21, 2010

Taking the time to chill...

** I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon.. this week I have immersed myself in the blogs of crafty, super organised Mums and realised that although I am more like a 'cluttered super disorganised Mum' I too enjoy the written word and sharing my wisdoms (even if few and far between) with others. Even if it just gives me a platform to place down my thoughts each day and no one reads it, I will be happy to know it is there for my children to one day look upon and say 'Geez that Mum of ours.. no wonder she was up so late every night!' **
** I began this week alike any other 'second' week in our household alongside my Hubby and Four Children (One whom I am genetically responsible for and three whose defects I can blame upon their biological parents - LOL) A blended family - a great blend at the best of times made up of many elements not excluding chaos! A blend that I have become accustomed to over the past 3 1/2 years and have grown to love. Tomorrow I will commence the week alongside my Hubby and One child, another great blend! Irregardless of the week we are a 'family' and I dont have a preference for either formation as both have their positives and negatives - this is our 'lot' in life **
** I entitled this post 'taking the time to chill' as this week had an undertone of disorganisation, isolation and sadness, however, by the end of the week and in particular the weekend I realised how important it is to do those things that make you happy! find items, tasks, activities and most importantly people that make you happy! Drawing with your child, falling asleep with the radio on, catching up with friends and family, being honest about your feelings, discovering a hobby, going and seeing a great movie, eating out and being thankful for every moment were all great mood boosters for me. Each of these elements helped to change the perspective of my week and alter the way the week ahead will pan out, they will alter the way many things pan out in the future **
**I guess iv taken inspiration from the blogs i'v read this week and perhaps one day I will be crafty and super organised.. but in the meantime, Im just happy to be me.
2 + 4 = 1**

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