Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Dining Table.. the hub of our home..

**So, I purchased a new dining table this week, why? because I wanted a bigger one and happened to come across one on eBay for a bargain price! So I thought, why not? When I mention this to people they always say "Oh we don't even eat at our dining table" but to me, the dining table is the central hub of our home. We eat breakfast, lunch and tea at it, celebrate our birthdays around it, the laptop is often positioned on it, the kids do their homework on it, draw at it (and often on it) and sometimes we just sit around it to chat or entertain visitors. Our old dining table shows signs of great use there is felt pen, fork marks, cat scratches and children's etchings - the marks of a well used, well loved piece of furniture. Our only reason for upgrading was some extra seats, we went from a six seat to an eight seat to alleviate the children kicking one another underneath the table and to minimise the munching noises. So with the old one retired to eBay the new one sits in the dining room gleaming - unaware of what is about to be unleashed upon it - I'm sure it too will feel very loved in time!** Daily Note to Self: Take one job that needs to be done and complete it.. only then do you move onto the next challenge. That way you will conquer something and feel accomplished rather than having one thousand unfinished tasks to complete. Honorable Mention of the Day: My lovely husband, Damian - who takes great care of me and the kids and tirelessly works to provide a pretty cool life for us all. (Plus he was offended that he is never mentioned in my online life..LOL)

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