Thanks to those of you that read this blog, but I have now started a new one.. planning to be much more exciting and reliable than this one! lol.
Feel free to follow me there.. :-) A Wishful Whimsy
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Seems like its that time of year again for viruses and illness to run rampant. The weather doesn't know whether its Arthur or Martha - one minute hot and sunny, the next cold and windy! Today is was cold and rainy, *yik*.
Needless to say I was oblivious to this and parked my car in the open air at the local shops when the sun was shining brightly this morning and came out, trolley full of groceries , it was raining cats and dogs! After getting the groceries into the car, jeans and shoes super soggy from stepping in a rather large puddle (ever so inconveniantly placed in the middle of the crossing) and sheltering my Son from the rain (human umbrella's tend to get quite wet) I was feeling rather miserable and hard done by! It was bliss to finally get home and change into a tracksuit, which is a rare wardrobe occasion for me, but bugger the fashion statement I was over it!
I'v been feeling sick since Saturday with what seems like the 'Neverending Flu', at least thats what i'v called it. I'm happy to say I feel like I may be at the tail end of it all, I didn't feel like hosting the virus much longer, it had overstayed it's welcome after all - a couple of days off work is all good, but a whole week is just harming my shopping allowance!
I must say it was nice to be 'looked after' though, hubby bought me a 'sick pack' containing soup, magazines and codral cold n flu tabs, cooked dinner each night and placed a heat pack behind my aching back.. The kids, genuinely concerned were very well behaved and considerate, maybe I could chuck a sickie for the next few months, see if anyone notices! LOL.
Some of the things that I have adored about my week long sick 'vacation' that comforted me and made me feel all the better, were; having my lovely family nearby, water and lots of it, playing squares and hangman with the kids, lots of sleep, my lovely soft heatpack I bought from bubbachenille the other weekend, lots of vitamin C, pumpkin soup and lots of cuddles from my little man, who spent the past 2 days at home sick with his Mum.. Its amazing when your child gets sick, you start to feel better to help them out too..
Hoping next week is a 'better health' week and that the weekend eventually gives us some of the sunshine we have grownn to love over the past couple of weekends! :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Loving this warmer weather..
Finally after all of that rain, we have beautiful sunshine again! Not that I am complaining too much about the rain, it has done wonders for our gardens and lawn, but it is so nice to see the sun shining and feel the warmer weather on one's skin. On the weekend, after a few hotter days, I decided to set up a 'drinks station' for the kids to pour their own water throughout the day. I bought a nice red jug from Target for $15.00 and added to it their 4 cups (Each of the kids has their own coloured cup, to minimise washing throughout the day) The idea so far has worked really well and it has increased the amount of water that I have been drinking too, which is always a bonus!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's Raining It's Pouring!
Its raining its pouring..
Its been raining pretty much every day since we got back from our holiday on Stradbroke Island. Not that im complaining, although it has made the school holidays quite difficult being cooped up indoors all day long. But the rain is doing wonders for the grass, gardens and beautiful spring flowers that I planted earlier this month. I wandered down to my washing line this morning to take advantage of a patch of 'fine weather' and admired the freshness of everything. A much better view than a few months ago when everything was dry, crispy and brown..
At night I fall asleep to the sound of the rain on the roof and it is so calming and soothing.. Im sure tomorrow when 2 of my friends bring their kids around for morning tea, it wont be so soothing with 5 children under 7 running about! As a relief teacher I tend to stay at home and decline work on rainy days, I quite enjoy my lunchbreaks without 30 children joining me in the classroom for it! :) It can't all be positives when it comes to the rain now can it?
Today I took a trip to my Mums place, its only a 45 minute drive away but once you get there you feel like you are on another planet. The country air, no traffic just beautiful mountain veiws and fresh air. Iv posted previously about my Mum's fantastic fresh veggie garden and today did not dissapoint. My Son happily picked cherry tomatoes by the dozen and ate fresh strawberries off of the plant. I also came home laden with spinach, eggplant and fresh herbs.. yum. I still must get around to planting my own veggie/herb garden.. another one of those things on my very long 'to-do list' that doesn't seem to be getting any shorter as the year wears on.
Lately I love taking out my camera and photographing nature.. usually done so on my iphone so the picture quality is not fantastic, but I don't mind.. it makes me smile.. :) And on that note, im off to bed.

Daily note to self: Go to bed BEFORE midnight in future!!!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Been Awhile.. Room for thought..
Seems like forever since I last posted.. its been rather busy around here with painting and reorganising our home.. we are part way through with all of the bedrooms now complete. The next room we are going to tackle is our new 'spare room' its so exciting to have a spare room again! Makes me wonder what we will end up using it for... We want the room to take some of the pressure off the rest of the house so ideally it will house another TV for the kids to watch at times & play their Wii on. Also hopeful for a sofa bed that guests can use.. Space for a computer nook/scrapbooking table would be nice and the very full bookcase needs to find a home in that room also. So many things for such a little space, but I think im confident in pulling it off..
Finding a home for all of our excess items has also been fun. As a past 'hoarder' I wanted the 'new rooms' to be free of clutter & items that weren't being used to their full potential. I figured there is no point in having a vase on a cupboard if that vase if covered in dust.. or a picture frame that falls over etc.. I figure no matter if iv donated to friends, freecycle or ebay - the people who have recieved my old items will be able to give them a better home and will treasure them. And at the end of the day, it is nice to breathe easy & walk into a room that is simply us.
Red will be a feature colour of my 'spare room'.. love red.. it is sooo inspiring & is hands down my favourite colour - no one can be bored or unhappy in a red room!
Im hopeful this room will give me a little space of my/our own that we will eventually evolve into a room where we can add another little member to our family.. but in the meantime Im happy to call it our 'spare room' because when the time is right, we'll once again be left with no spare rooms.. but I guess I wouldn't be unhappy about that either :)
*~Daily Note to Self~*
Tidy, quickly.. procrastinate little & get this room ready!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
School Holidays.. Week 1
Well, week 1 of the school holidays has nearly come to an end.. why does it have to go so fast?? Normally I fill school holidays with activities and outings, however, due to Indi being unwell and the cold weather, these holidays have been a welcome change of pace. We have spent many days at home playing, painting, making collage, watching movies (or in Indi's case endless episodes of Scooby Doo) baking and catching up on those jobs that needed doing around the house.
Not sure what we will get up to in the second week, a lot of the shopping centres, libraries, art gallery and parks in the area have free attractions that keep the kids amused and are cost effective when entertaining 4 children so we will probably check them out. Picnics are a favourite as are visiting with family. There are many things out there that people can do without breaking the bank, but sometimes staying home and playing is a child's best day of all.
For those of you at home with your kids on holidays, enjoy!
Monday, May 31, 2010
A Day in the life of..
I saw this fun little blogging activity a few months ago and decided I would give it a go. You have to take a photograph every hour on the hour of what your up to in your day. And although it was a few weeks ago now, iv finally fixed the issues my laptop was having so now I can upload all the piccies I took and finally finish off the blog!
6am: Wake up! And get organised for the day.. No work for me today :-)
7am -Breaky and checking emails/facebook/ebay etc..
8am: Replace kids old drinking cups with new brightly coloured drinking cups I bought at Target on Saturday!
9am: After school drop off, I decided to come home and clean up my desk.. I spared you from the before shot, it was too hideous! LOL. (P.S - Just dont look in the draws :P)
10am: Last housecleaning task of the day, dusting.. nicely dusted tv cabinet!
11am: Mum is popping down to visit shortly so I thought I'd catch up with my Project Life over an early lunch.
12pm - Gorgeous day outside, nice breeze blowing through the trees.. Off to the shops with Mum.
1pm - Towel and bathroom accessory shopping for when I eventually get around to painting the bathroom! Chose some really nice Mocha coloured towels from Target. Layby'd them til Im productive!
2pm: Bought the groceries back home to pack away before heading back to school. Got a few jobs done today during my kid free hours thankfully!
3pm: Back in my car..
4pm: A bit of outside time.. good to see Jessie is loving the new bed we got him on the weekend. Looks so cosy now the cooler weather is setting in.
5pm: And so the animal feeding time begins, the cats congregate in the kitchen and wont leave you alone til dinnertime.. its usually a relief to feed them cause then they all go back to sleep!
6pm: Yummy Pork roast for dinner.. Cooking away nicely..
7pm: Catching up on some homework before bedtime.. wanted to cut out all of the pictures fromthe magazines for his letter of the week.
8pm: Dinnertime! Turned out really yummy!
9pm: Watching Desperate Housewives & Brothers and Sisters my 2 fave shows... Monday night is my night in front of the telly! :-)
10pm: Desert.. nothing too evil.. a Nestle Diet Creme Caramel.. my favourite desert with not as much fat as the regular kind... And then after Brothers and Sisters I dozed off on the lounge! LOL.
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